5 ChatGPT Prompts To Change Your State Of Mind (and Get More Done) – Forbes

5 ChatGPT prompts to change your state of mind (and get more done)
Entrepreneurs work a lot of hours, but they don’t always use the time in the best possible way. They turn up at their laptop and go down rabbit holes. They research, scan and scroll. They do things their assistant could do, they achieve low leverage on their time. If focus is a superpower, this short attention span is their kryptonite. It all stems from a state of mind. When you’re hellbent on your goal and you see the path to getting there, no notification can stop you making progress. No Slack message can hold you back.
Get into the most productive state of mind for that powerful combination of intention and execution. Use ChatGPT to reframe your situation and get your focus well and truly back. Copy, paste and edit the square brackets in ChatGPT, and keep the same chat window open so the context carries through.
When your inbox is overflowing, everyone wants your attention and your to-do list doesn’t seem to end, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Frantic and busy, you slip into a victim state of mind, desperately seeking a way through the madness. But it doesn’t need to be that way. Your inbox is popular because you’re doing something right. People want your help because you know your stuff. Your to-do list is long because you’re capable of a lot. You’ve just forgotten the positive flipside to every challenge. You temporarily forgot that everything is a choice. Use this prompt to reframe every challenge and get revved up to solve it.
“Today, I’m feeling overwhelmed by the task of [insert specific task or challenge]. It feels like something I have to do, and it’s weighing me down. I need you to help me reframe this. Why is this task actually something I ‘get’ to do, as opposed to ‘have’ to do? Please highlight the positive aspects and opportunities this challenge presents, showing me why it’s a good problem to have.”
In the darkest depths of the day-to-day, you might have forgotten why you do what you do. Productivity has waned because perspective is AWOL. And that’s a problem. Without being able to see the bigger picture, the weeds take over. Tangled and messy, small problems appear big and the way through appears overgrown. It’s no wonder you can’t seem to focus. Zoom out for perspective and sanity. See your work as part of a wider story and be pumped to play your part.
“I’m currently dealing with [insert specific issue or situation], and it feels all-consuming. Help me gain a broader perspective. Assume the role of a mindset coach and ask me a series of 5 perspective-focused questions, one by one, to help me zoom out and see the bigger picture. After the questions, ask if my perspective on the issue has changed.”
For maximum productivity you want fire in your belly, not a sinking feeling of dread about what your day involves. If you can’t seem to get through your work, chances are you’ve lost your sense of vision as well as your perspective. Get it back by seeing the future. Enlist ChatGPT’s help projecting your work into a grandiose description of the next ten years. When you realize your wildest dreams are very doable, you’ll be happy to focus on them in the here and now. Use this prompt with an open mind.
“I need a boost of visionary thinking. Let’s have some fun imagining the future. Create a grandiose, exciting description of where my current project or business [describe specific project or business] could be in the next ten years. Go all out – I want to hear about groundbreaking achievements, potential impacts, and maybe even how it changes the world. Let’s make my wildest dreams for my business seem achievable and inspire me to work towards them starting today.”
The most successful people have one thing in common. They don’t give up. When the timid have shied away, the opportunists have gone elsewhere, and the weak have left the building, only the most resilient entrepreneurs are left, reaping the rewards on behalf of the entire group. Make that you. Don’t be the one who quits before the magic happens. Don’t fail at the final hurdle. You could be extremely close to a huge breakthrough, but you’ll never know if you procrastinate now. Transform into your most gritty version of you with this powerful prompt.
“I need to strengthen my resilience and grit. Help me reflect on my journey so far. Ask me questions, one by one, about 3 times I’ve overcome challenges, how I’ve persisted in the face of adversity, and what drives me to keep going even when things get tough. After each response I give, guide me to recognize my own strength and resilience, and to see how close I might be to a major breakthrough. Let’s start with, ‘What has been your toughest challenge to date, and how did you overcome it?’
You are probably overcomplicating business. Most companies need to sell one product, to one type of customer, using one channel, but they add in extra fluff that dilutes their messages and confuses their audience. Could that be you? What if your company was reduced to the most simple and straightforward way of signing new customers and growing in size? What if there was an easy and less messy way of achieving your goals? Use this prompt to find the easy way forward that you’ve been overlooking for too long.
“I want to simplify my business approach and get back to basics. Can you help me strip away the extra fluff? Start by analyzing the core of my business. Ask me questions, one by one, about the primary product or service I offer, my main customer base, and my most effective sales channel. After establishing these 3 things, suggest how I can streamline my business to focus on these key elements, removing unnecessary complexities. Begin with, ‘What is the product or service that is the heart of your business, and why?'”
Find a new way of thinking and a better way of working. Unlock productivity gains by shifting your mindset to a more helpful channel. Reframe your current challenges as good problems to have, then zoom out to get perspective on your business. Tap into the vision of your future, most successful self, and become more gritty on your quest for success. Finally, go back to basics. Become more familiar with the heart of your work. Change your state of mind and be more productive, for more leverage on your time and far less procrastination.

