Butwal sub-metropolis begins AI ChatBot to ease service delivery – Online Khabar (English)
Home » Society » Butwal sub-metropolis begins AI ChatBot to ease service delivery
Butwal, July 10
The Butwal sub-metropolitan city has brought an AI ChatBot into operation to ensure easy and accessible service delivery. With this, Butwal has become the first city in the country to bring ChatBot into operation
The city is operating its ChatBot service by linking its information on service delivery with artificial intelligence.
Mayor Khel Raj Pandey has expressed that the introduction of the service aims to provide convenient access for service-seekers to the various services and information offered by the sub-metropolitan city.
“The goal is to ensure that people can easily access the services they need and obtain relevant information from the sub-metropolitan city without any hindrances,” he said.
According to Pandey, the AI ChatBot will be integrated with entrepreneurship initiatives to maximise its potential benefits.
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