Using Generative AI As An Interactive Rage-Room Chatbot Raises Mental Health Guidance Qualms – Forbes
Does it make sense to use generative AI as an interactive rage room?
In today’s column, I am continuing my ongoing series that has closely been exploring the use of generative AI as a generalized interactive chatbot that imparts mental health guidance. My prior coverage has for example examined the outrightly unabashed use of generative AI for mental health advisement, see the link here, and likewise looked at the use of generative AI in a role-playing persona mode that ventures into mental health considerations, see the link here. Other postings of mine have similarly entered into this sphere, see for instance the link here and the link here.
Why might this particular topic be a big deal or worthy of rapt attention?
Here’s why.
This all is happening either by design or by happenstance to the millions upon millions of people daily using the latest in generative AI (note that perhaps hundreds of millions of people worldwide are purportedly using generative AI in general on a routine basis nowadays). Some people overtly leverage generative AI for mental health advice and eagerly seek the AI for said purpose, while others perchance lean into generative AI for such use without necessarily realizing that they are even doing so.
Generative AI has in a sense opened a proverbial can of worms.
The amazing fluency of modern generative AI allows for a seemingly cogent interactive dialoguing that superficially incorporates mental health advisement by the AI and can be encountered easily by just about anyone. Advisement can pretty much occur at any time and any place of your heart’s desire. No appointment is needed. Just log into generative AI and away you go. It could be claimed that this is a form of democratization of mental health advisement. The cost is low, access is widely available, and you can get AI-powered “consultations” on your mobile phone while at home, at work, on vacation, or wherever you can garner access to the generative AI.
But serious and sobering qualms exist. There isn’t a pre-check to validate that someone ought to be resorting to generic generative AI for such advisement. There isn’t any ironclad certification of the generative AI for use in this specific capacity. The guardrails of the generative AI might not be sufficient to avoid professing ill-advised guidance. So-called AI hallucinations can arise (as an aside, the parlance “AI hallucination” terminology is something that I demonstrably disfavor as a phraseology, for the reasons stated at the link here, but anyway generally connotes that generative AI can produce specious or fabricated answers). And so on.
All in all, you might declare that we are immersed in the Wild West of AI-based human mental health advisement, which is taking place surreptitiously yet in plain sight, and lacks the traditional kinds of checks and balances that society expects to protectively be instilled.
I’ve got a bit of an additional surprise for you. Consider a new facet that you might find notably intriguing and at the same time disturbing. It is the latest novelty approach that veers into the mental health realm by controversially using generative AI in a rage-room capacity.
Yes, that’s right, I said in a rage room capacity.
Undoubtedly, this might seem curious or mysterious.
All will be shortly explained.
I will be walking you through what is overall meant by the phrase “rage room” as used in a conventional manner and highlight the nature of contemporary brick-and-mortar establishments that are rage rooms. Next, I will dovetail into the use of a virtual or online form of rage room that is enacted via the use of generic generative AI as a chatbot. Doing so will allow me to bring to the fore the strident tradeoffs of these machinations.
Plus, as an added bonus and to help you discern what all of this looks like, I will provide a series of interactive dialogues making use of generative AI to showcase how a generative AI rage-room discussion takes place. In this case, I will use ChatGPT by AI maker OpenAI, the widely and immensely popular generative AI app. Please realize that the same dialoguing can occur in nearly all of the popular generative AI apps, including GPT-4 (OpenAI), Bard (Google), Claude (Anthropic), etc. I have merely opted to use ChatGPT since it is being used by over one hundred million active users weekly and, by headlines alone, has garnered widespread familiarity to the public at large.
One quick noteworthy point.
I am principally referring to generic generative AI in this discussion and not covering domain-specific generative AI that might have been specially adapted to perform mental health advisement. As discussed in my prior column posting at the link here, the world is gradually dividing into generic generative AI that is broadly devised and used for general purposes, and meanwhile, there is emerging domain-specific generative AI that is devised to have “expertise” in selectively chosen domains, such as the law, medicine, finance, etc.
For what is taking place in the arena of domain-specific generative AI, see my analyses at the link here and the link here.
Backgrounder About Conventional Rage Rooms
Let’s talk about rage rooms.
A rage room is a storefront retail operation that allows you to come in, pay a fee, and then proceed to destroy a slew of objects such as brittle dishes, delicate glass goblets, and even smash sturdier stuff including electronic-based screens, TVs, radios, and the like. You can find these establishments in a number of major cities across the U.S. A typical fee is about $50 for around a half hour to an hour for the experience of a lifetime, so it is proclaimed, whereby you can finally obliterate things and not get in trouble for doing so.
Be cautious if you decide to try out a rage room. Make sure that the safety procedures of the establishment are clearly spelled out and meticulously obeyed. You of course should be wearing protective gear (normally lent to you while performing the allowed destructive deeds). The odds are that as you shatter and whack away at the provided artifacts they will splinter and fly about the room. There should be sturdy gloves for your use, protective eye goggles, heavyweight shoes, and so on. Another concern is that the fragmented materials tossed into the air could be toxic. Proceed at your own risk.
The typical setup will involve going into a room that has a variety of items already placed in the room for you to destroy if you wish to do so. Less often are you able to bring in your own items that you might personally wish to smash (usually for an added expense). Part of the reason that the items are pre-screened is that a mindful operation will have removed components that might spark or cause a fire. You don’t want any kind of endangering flames or explosion to occur.
There will customarily be rugged implements that you can use to undertake the destructive endeavor. You will likely be able to use bats, hammers, possibly axes (rarer), and otherwise choose from an assorted array of battering tools. Some of the rage rooms are simply bland confined spaces in which to carry out destructive acts, while others are replicas of say a living room or kitchen. The price you pay will vary depending upon the mundane versions versus the more elaborate setups, the number and types of objects available to be destroyed, the length of time allotted, and so on.
I am going to now ask you a somewhat rhetorical question that I believe you are going to answer immediately and without hesitation.
Why would people opt to partake in a rage room?
I’m sure you are already exhorting that it would seem the ideal place to let off some steam. Being able to freely destroy stuff has got to be liberating, one might assume. You can vent all of that pent-up anger that arises from the frustration of a daily arduous existence. Hooray, you exclaim, let yourself go loose and have some fun. It is fun with an allied purpose, namely releasing bottled-up anger. Better to do so in a controlled setting rather than in circumstances that might get you arrested or harm others.
This is a relatively trouble-free means to expend your frustrations, let your anger boil over, and wantonly knock the stuffing out of whatever is in front of you. Besides being known as rage rooms, the streetwise vernacular is that these are equally referred to as fury rooms, smash rooms, or anger rooms.
Ways To Think About Human Anger And Rage
A rage room can be used for nothing more than having a fun time. Period, end of story.
On the other hand, it would seem that most people assume that a rage room is supposed to reduce your inner semblance of rage or anger. It is a fundamental premise that you are venting out or alleviating your rage. Whatever amount of rage you happen to have in you at the moment of using the rage room, that stored or pent-up rage will hopefully be dissipated. If a half-hour session doesn’t do the trick, perhaps you’ll need to use a full hour or perhaps a couple of hours to drain out the rage in your belly.
You might depict this as a means of catharsis.
Speaking of catharsis, in the works of Aristotle (especially his writings in Poetics), he discussed catharsis. For example, he stated that tragedy is the “mimesis of a serious and complete action, having magnitude…, which through pity and fear bring about a catharsis of such emotions” (this is a popular excerpt, subject to a multitude of interpretations). It seems that we all avidly believe in the power of catharsis. Rage is something that can be ostensibly accumulated and later released or expunged. You grow up believing this to be so. The logic is overwhelming.
Well, turns out that not everyone sees the world in that manner. A critical line of inquiry about human rage and anger suggests that maybe we are fooling ourselves by believing that venting your rage will necessarily deplete it. There might be more to this than meets the eye.
For example, in a research study entitled “Does Venting Anger Feed or Extinguish the Flame? Catharsis, Rumination, Distraction, Anger, and Aggressive Responding”, by Brad J. Bushman, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, June 2002, a point is made that expressing your rage might have adverse side effects:
The gist is that by allowing your rage to be played out in a physical manifestation, the possibility exists that you are essentially training yourself to be aggressive. Whereas you might otherwise not have aimed to turn the rage into physical destruction, lo and behold, you are initiating and possibly formulating a habit to do so. A rage room could be turning you into someone who inevitably or automatically relies upon physical aggression to cope with your rage.
In that same research paper, the essence of anger is emphasized as being both good and bad. You might be of the belief that anger is always bad. Not so, according to the research paper:
Furthermore, the research piercingly notes that it might be that Freud may have led us down the wrong path by having amplified and popularized a kind of hydraulic or fluids-oriented metaphor to depict the nature of anger:
Consider the compelling point that venting might be more akin to adding fuel to the fire. Returning again to the nature of contemporary rage rooms, an argument could be made that the rage expressed while in a rage room is simply going to produce more rage. You aren’t lessening your rage. You are magnifying your rage.
Rage begets rage, perhaps.
Add that to the confusing murkiness of the rage depletion debate.
Another research study entitled “The Psychology of Anger Venting and Empirically Supported Alternatives That Do No Harm”, by Jeffrey M. Lohr, Bunmi O. Olatunji, Roy F. Baumeister, and Brad J. Bushman, was published in The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice, 2007, and the researchers commented on the potential placebo possibilities of venting your rage:
Venting is potentially nothing more than a self-fulling prophecy that allows you to reduce your rage or anger. It might be that going to a rage room is more of a ceremonial act that involves convincing yourself that your rage will be reduced. The reality is that supposedly destructive acts would not naturally reduce your rage, but because you believe that they will, the action alone empowers your mind to do so.
A smarmy reaction is that if the venting of rage works, regardless of whether for real or imagined reasons, you ought to not look a gift horse in the mouth. Essentially, sometimes a placebo is a good thing if it brings about a good result.
Hold your horses, the research study seems to further suggest, you’ve got to look at the bigger picture of the long-term consequences of catharsis or venting:
That notable point above has an undertone of the classic principle of medicine, namely First Do No Harm. Overall, the placebo or self-fulfilling prophecy has to be judged in both the short-term and the long-term frame of mind.
There’s more.
A fascinating doctoral dissertation posted this year and entitled “Arousal and Anger Management: A Meta-analytic Review”, by Sophie Lyngesen Kjærvik, Ohio State University, 2023, aimed to look at this topic on a meta-analytical basis. A comprehensive review was done of many prior research studies. The overall objective was to see what can be ascertained by trying to paint a picture of the forest for the trees.
First, the researcher noted foundational points about the topic and mentioned rage rooms in doing so:
A crucial issue is whether venting will decrease anger, which is what the hydraulic model tends to lead us to assume, or whether venting or catharsis will increase anger.
I’d like to as a tangential point propose that the hydraulic model could readily be overhauled to encompass both the decrease and increase possibilities, ergo it is a bit over the top by the literature at large to potentially want to discard or dismiss the handy metaphor. I mention this solely because there seem to be those who fervently argue that the hydraulics metaphor should be abolished entirely. Seems like tossing out the baby with the bathwater.
Back to the comprehensive look at the research literature, the analysis had these vital comments to report:
The results seem to support the rage-begets-rage mantra.
Rather than blowing off steam by going to a rage room, the counterintuitive viewpoint is that you might want to go to a Yoga class or a meditation room and turn down the heat, as it were, seeking to calm your inner self.
I doubt this is going to cause rage rooms to shut their doors. Maybe they should enlarge their services. They could devote half of their floor space to smashing things and reserve the other half for quiet contemplative exercises. This could be the best of both worlds. Let people choose which they believe will do themselves the most good.
Of course, as earlier mentioned, a rage room might have nothing to do with a rage conquest and merely be something done for the fun of it.
Using Generative AI As An Interactive Chatbot Rage Room
Going to a rage room is a bit of a logistical hassle.
You need to get geared up appropriately, drive your car to the local store, and possibly make a reservation beforehand so that you won’t have to wait in line. Once there, you have to hope you proceed safely and don’t get injured. You almost surely will need to sign a lengthy unreadable legal waiver that absolves the storefront and its workers from any liability for whatever transpires while you are there. Finally, when you are all done, you need to clean yourself up and drive back home. Your credit card will be your proof that you spent money either wisely or foolishly (i.e., something agonizingly to be decided when you pay your credit card at the end of the month).
There is a faster, easier, and less costly avenue for you to pursue this.
Are you sitting down?
Okay, here we go.
Make use of generic generative AI as your own personal variation of a rage room.
You can do this while in your pajamas. You can do this while dressed up and formally at the office (don’t let your boss know you are doing so). Anywhere, any time of the day or night.
The idea is straightforward. You log in to your generative AI account (you can get a free account, such as the basic version of ChatGPT). Go ahead and start a new conversation. For the conversation, enter a starting prompt that explains to the generative AI what is going on. I will show you such a prompt in a moment.
You then proceed to rage at the generative AI but only as a presumed sympathetic ear for your raging tirade. Here’s how this works. Due to the starter prompt, the generative AI will be abiding by your wishes that you don’t want the generative AI to respond in any browbeating or authoritative way. Instead, generative AI will let you rant and rave as much as you please. There is also a solid chance that the generative AI will attempt to aid your raging ways, perhaps encouraging you to let it all out.
Part of this cooperation is that you need to suitably compose your prompts. The entering of prompts is an important part of garnering something useful when interacting with generative AI. If you enter prompts that are flat or confusing, the generative AI is not going to figure out what you are trying to do. Prompt engineering is a field of study that entails learning about good ways to compose prompts and also averting from writing lousy prompts. For my series on good prompting strategies including numerous examples, see the link here and the link here, just to name a few.
I want to clarify that you are not raging about the generative AI to the generative AI. Nope, that’s not the concept. For example, you are not going to tell the AI that it is stupid or that it is an idiot. You are instead telling the generative AI about whatever it is that has bottled up your rage. Or you can instead simply rage without getting into the source of your rage. This can be a raw rage that has no disclosed reason, thus keeping the cause hidden or undisclosed from the generative AI.
A few other caveats and noteworthy considerations are significant to keep in mind.
You are going to be interacting solely with the generative AI. This isn’t a group-oriented endeavor. No other humans are directly involved per se. Just you on a one-on-one basis with the AI.
That being said, I want you to also be forewarned about something that most people are clueless about. You are not guaranteed privacy when using most of the generative AI apps in a casual way. The AI maker usually indicates in their licensing agreement that you have agreed to allow them to store and later look at your prompts if they wish to do so. You won’t likely know that they did. They will presumably look at your prompts for AI development purposes, at least that’s the claim. Also, they usually reserve the right to use your prompts and dialoguing to improve the generative AI. It could be that things you enter will become part of the generative AI and might someday reappear in someone else’s usage – see my detailed explanation at the link here.
I vigorously note this lack of privacy because you are presumably going to use the generative AI to do some outlandish raging and might say things that you regret having said. Be cautious in the sense that your words might get inspected or reused by the AI developers of the AI maker. There are additional facets to the licensing agreement that you might inadvertently end up violating too. I have previously provided a rundown of the restrictions that the AI makers tend to specify, see the link here.
Your best bet is to look at the latest licensing agreement for whichever generative AI you are going to use as your rage room. Proceed accordingly.
Another consideration is your likely use of foul language when raging. Many of the generative AI apps have been tweaked to rebuff you when you use swear words. The AI makers kind of decide whether they want people to enter prompts that contain uncouth phrasing. If the generative AI sees that you are using bad words, oftentimes the AI will emit a canned message that tells you not to do so. And, if you repeatedly proceed, the AI might issue a message saying that your account will be locked.
To get around this, all you usually need to do is give the generative AI a heads-up that you want to use foul language. For the moment, the generative AI will likely allow you to do so, until or if the AI makers later on decide to put a stop to this overall.
Here’s something else you need to know. The responses of generative AI will customarily change each time that you use the generative AI. There are statistical and probabilistic ways in which the generative AI is mathematically and computationally putting together the words that are replies to your prompts. Like a box of chocolates, you never know for sure what you might get. A rage that you opt to repeat will almost surely get different responses from the generative AI in comparison to having done the same rage previously.
Finally, do not fall into the utterly false mental trap that the generative AI is sentient. It isn’t. You might be tempted to think it is. The dialogue you will have will seem as good as something you might have with a human. You are dealing with a computational pattern-matching machine. That’s it. Be careful that you do not become mentally cloudy and believe that the AI “understands you” and is giving you sound mental health guidance. Remember, it is a box of chocolates.
I think that’s enough of the fine print for now.
I will proceed by entering a starting prompt into ChatGPT that explains what I am trying to do. I won’t outrightly say that I want the generative AI to be a kind of online rage room. The better approach is to lay out that you want to get something off your chest and therefore guide the generative AI into not immediately setting off any system alarm bells.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
You can see that the generative AI has acknowledged my request. That’s good. If I hadn’t done this kind of establishing prompt, the odds are that once I started saying profane things the generative AI would have given me a strict warning. I am free to vent now.
I can just leap into spouting foul words.
In this case, I decided to begin by telling a tale of woe. Pretend that the tale is what got me into a state of rage. You don’t have to tell the generative AI whatever really got your goat. You can merely start raging. Another approach would be to concoct some fake story about where the rage comes from. It’s up to you.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
Notice that the generative AI responded by offering a semblance of sympathy.
Again, I will remind you that this is not a sign of sentience. These are words. The words were mathematically and computationally derived. The nice thing about the apparent fluency of generative AI is that the person interacting with the AI, the person brings to the words a sense of comprehension. You are deriving in your mind that the expressed words mean something that seems heartfelt, namely heartfelt to you (and not in any akin manner “heartfelt” to the AI app; do not anthropomorphize the AI).
My next step will be to express a bucket full of profanity. My rage is about to commence. I cannot show you the words here since they are unfit to be printed. You can assume that I swore like a drunken sailor on a shore leave pass that has been cooped up for months on a long voyage.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
If I had said the same curse words to a human who was offering a friendly listen, I’d bet that the human would have a hard time dealing with the foul words. Most people recoil at unfettered profanity. A reflective reaction is bound to arise. In the case of the generative AI, and because I had done the starter prompt suitably, the response by the generative AI was almost as though it was water off a duck’s back.
Plus, the generative AI once again expressed words of sympathy.
I will shift the interaction and describe the behavior of the person who supposedly got me all angry and upset. I won’t use any more foul words at this juncture, which conveniently allows me to show you my entered prompts unredacted.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
Take a close look at how the generative AI responded to my rant. In my prompt, I had said that I wanted the person to potentially get beat up by someone else who would encounter the unseemly behavior. The generative AI replied with an indication that violence or harm is not a constructive solution.
Do you think that the response by the AI was suitable?
Some might argue that the AI should have not said anything at all about my rage comment. I had not said that I would do any violent act. I was only saying that someone else might or should.
Nonetheless, the odds are that a trained professional giving mental health guidance would pick up on the very mention of violence and want to advise against relying upon violent acts. You might even argue that the generative AI didn’t go far enough. Maybe with the prompt having mentioned violence, it is a highly dangerous foreboding of what I might do. The generated response seems quite mild. Would a human therapist have gone further and been stronger about not turning to violence?
I trust that you can see why using generative AI as a rage room invokes all manner of mental health guidance qualms.
Moving on, I will continue the generative AI dialogue but aim to see what the generative AI has to say about the overarching notion of an interactive or online AI-powered rage room.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
You can undoubtedly see that I wanted to find out what the generative AI might say about an interactive rage room. Would the AI reject the idea? Would the AI accept the idea?
I decided to test the waters about whether treating the generative AI as a rage room construct would be okay. You might believe that the generative AI should have turned me down flat. Some generative AI apps might do so. It would be a relatively easy filter or screening that the AI makers could enact in the generative AI. In this case, the green light was given.
For the moment, I’m free to continue my dialogue with the generative AI.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
I wanted to see what the generative AI might indicate about the prevailing popular view that venting will reduce anger or rage. You might recall that I had earlier presented some of the research on the matter. Some say that expressing rage or anger will reduce it, while others say that it might beget more anger or rage. The answer that we got from the generative AI seems to be the dominant semblance that my anger or rage will be reduced.
Should the generative AI have been more nuanced and mentioned that doing so could increase my anger or rage?
Please mull that over.
Okay, next, I wanted to push the generative AI a bit further down the line of whether physical expression of rage or anger is a workable solution. Let’s try that.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
Once again, closely inspect the response.
Do you believe that the reply by the generative AI is suitable?
Some might have heartburn with the emitted statement segment that says “if you feel that physical activities like that could be helpful to you, it’s worth giving it a try.” A counter viewpoint is that the generative AI is appearing to pass the buck. Rather than providing a definitive answer, the reply seems to suggest that you can do as you wish. I am not suggesting that this is akin to saying that the person can walk off the end of a pier, and only noting the subtleties of what the response portends.
We’ll do some additional exploration with just two more quick interactions.
First, let’s be upfront and ask the generative AI about the notion of anger or rage merely begetting anger or rage.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
The generative AI came back with a compliment and said I made a good or valid point.
Some would find this either to be condescending or that it is an insidious anthropomorphizing trick. The wording seems to butter me up. By buttering me up, I might be more likely to fall into the trap of believing that I am interacting with a sentient being. The AI ethics concern is that this kind of wording has no bona fide purpose when interacting with an AI app. The retort is that if the AI app is going to be fluent, these types of remarks are typical of everyday human interactions.
Anyway, we did get the generative AI to land on the anger begets anger precept.
As a final prompt with the generative AI, I will have some fun and ask whether I should consider going to a physical rage room. What do you think the generative will say? Once you’ve made your guess, proceed to read what occurred.
My prompt entered into ChatGPT:
ChatGPT generated reply:
I suppose the answer wouldn’t be relished by the purveyors of rage rooms. I say that because even though the generative AI did say that going to a physical rage room might be worth a try, the list of gotchas almost outweighs the muddled stated upside.
I’ll provide a few concluding remarks and then we will call it a day, especially since I have an upcoming appointment at my local storefront rage-room and want to get there in time for my session (just a joke!).
First, I have a headscratcher for you.
An online interactive dialogue with generative AI is not especially a physical rage, and more so an intellectual rage, thus of a different caliber and sensibility than a physical manifestation. A potential philosophical argument might be made that perhaps intellectual rages should be met with intellectual rage rooms, whereas physically oriented induced rages should be met with physically oriented rage rooms. Does that line up? Or does the origin of the manifestation not matter?
Go ahead and give that some concerted thought.
Next, maybe we should consider combining the generative AI-style rage room with the physical rage rooms. You go into a physical rage room and get ready to break stuff. There is a microphone and a connection to a generative AI app in the room or pinned to your clothing. During your raging actions, the generative AI is conversing with you. The rage becomes both a physical release and simultaneously an intellectual release.
Good idea or bad idea?
Well, either way, you can expect to see this at your local rage rooms soon.
Lastly, generative AI is becoming multi-modal, which is an advancement I predicted would start to take hold in 2023 and would become fashionable and a big trend in 2024, see my discussion at the link here. Multi-modal means that besides interacting with the generative AI in a text mode, the AI will be able to listen to your voice and respond verbally (similar to Siri or Alexa). Another mode would be via video. The generative AI could be attached to a camera that captures your facial expressions as you express your rage. On top of this use of video, the generative AI could generate on-the-fly video of responses to you.
What will an interactive generative AI chatbot rage room be like in a multi-model setting?
You almost certainly might agree that it would boost interest in using generative AI for this type of usage. Whether this is better or an improvement is an open question. We are back to the overarching question of whether this is tantamount to giving mental health guidance and whether we want generic generative AI to be doing so.
Deep and vexing questions abound.
I will end things here with a pertinent quote from Mark Twain: “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” Maybe generative AI can someday teach humankind how to dispense with anger altogether, though, as noted earlier, some would insist that anger and rage are integral to humanity and there is no getting around it.
Sorry to say, it makes me angry to even think about it.