10 Best AI Chatbots 2023 – eWeek

These leading AI chatbots use generative AI to offer a wide menu of functionality, from personalized customer service to improved information retrieval.
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Generative AI chatbots are a major step forward in conversational AI. These chatbots are powered by large language models (LLMs) that can generate human-quality text, translate languages, write creative content, and provide informative answers to your questions.
An ever-growing list of generative AI chatbots are now entering the market, but not all chatbots are created equal. We analyzed the best generative AI chatbots to help you determine the best conversational AI app for your business.
Here are our picks for the top generative AI chatbot software. Jump to:
We compared the key features of the top generative AI chatbot software to help you determine the best option for your company:
Microsoft icon.
Microsoft generative AI tool Bing Chat Enterprise uses GPT- 4 – a large language model – to generate natural language responses to users’ queries. Bing Chat Enterprise has three conversation styles: Creative, balanced and precise. These styles help users set the tone for the expected response to their query. Bing Chat Enterprise is available in 160 regions, and you can access it via Bing.com/Chat, Microsoft Edge Sidebar or Windows Copilot Sidebar.
Bing AI chat is available at no additional cost for customers who are licensed for Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard, Business Premium, or A3 or A5 for faculty. If you don’t have those licenses, you can purchase Bing AI as a standalone tool for $5 monthly.
Also see: Top Generative AI Apps and Tools
OpenAI icon.
Developed by OpenAI as part of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series of models, ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool designed to engage in human-like conversations with users. The platform can perform NLP tasks, such as answering questions, providing recommendations, summarizing text, and translating languages. Aside from content generation, developers can also use ChatGPT to assist with coding tasks, including code generation, debugging help, and answering programming-related questions.
For more information: Full ChatGPT review.
OpenAI icon.
OpenAI Playground was designed by the same AI research company that created ChatGPT. It is a web-based environment allowing users to experiment with different OpenAI models, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5 Turbo, and others. OpenAI Playground is suitable for advanced users looking for a customizable generative AI chatbot model that they can easily fine-tune to suit their needs.
OpenAI Playground is priced per 1,000 tokens (1,000 tokens equals to 750 words). Pricing for this tool varies based on your chosen model. New users can get $5 in free credit to use for their first three months.
GPT-4 models
GPT-3.5 Turbo
Also see: The Benefits of Generative AI 
Perplexity icon.
Perplexity AI is a generative AI chatbot/search/answer engine that allows users to express queries in natural language​​ and provides answer based on information gathered from various sources on the web. When you ask a question on Perplexity AI, it provides the answer to your query and suggests related follow-up questions, you can either select from the suggested related questions or type yours in the text field.
Perplexity AI’s Copilot feature can guide users through the search process with interactive follow-up questions, multiple searches, and summarized results – this capability is helpful when researching complex topics. However, it’s limited to five searches every four hours for free plan users and up to 300 for paid users.
You.com icon
Designed by You.com, YouChat is an AI-powered generative chatbot that can summarize text, write code, suggest ideas, compose emails and answer general questions based on information available on the web. It also cites its information source, making it easy to fact-check the chatbot’s answers to your queries. YouChat combines various elements in its search results, including images, videos, news, maps, social, code, and search engine results on the subject.
Also see: Generative AI Examples
Writesonic icon.
Trained and powered by Google Search to converse with users based on current events. Chatsonic advertises itself as a ChatGPT alternative. The AI chatbot is a product of Writesonic, an AI platform for content creation. When using Chatsonic, you can toggle on the “Include latest Google data” button to add real-time trending information.
Chatsonic has a Generate AI Art feature that enables it to generate digital AI artwork for users’ consumption. It also has a personality functionality that allows users to select from a list of personalities such as interviewer, math teacher, motivational coach, English translator and more – this allows the tool to provide tailored responses based on their chosen persona.
On a related topic: What is Generative AI?
Google icon
Google Bard is an AI-powered LLM chatbot built on the PaLM2 (Pathways Language Model, version 2) AI model. You can export your Google Bard conversation to Google Docs or Draft in Gmail – the platform also allows you to create a shareable public link you can send to a third party. Google Bard is still relatively new and is being actively developed.
Google Bard is free to use.
Also see: ChatGPT vs. Google Bard: Generative AI Comparison 
Socrates.ai icon.
Socrates.ai is an artificial intelligence platform that provides businesses with conversational AI solutions. It enables companies to create and deploy conversational agents that can interact with users naturally. It can be integrated into various channels such as websites, mobile apps, and messaging platforms to enhance user experience and support automation.
Available upon request.
Also see: Generative AI Companies: Top 12 Leaders
Hugging Face icon.
Developed by Hugging Face, HuggingChat is a chatbot based on the Open Assistant Conversational AI Model. It uses NLP and ML algorithms to interact with users and can generate answers to questions, write essays, write code, translate text, and construct emails. The platform has been trained on a large dataset of diverse conversations and can learn from new interactions.
HuggingChat is free to use. You can also subscribe to the pro plan at $9 per month to get early access to new features. They also offer an enterprise hub plan at $20 per user per month.
Also see: Generative AI Startups
Jasper icon.
Jasper generative AI chatbot can be trained on your brand voice to interact with your customer in a personalized manner. Jasper partners with OpenAI and uses GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 language models and their proprietary AI engine. The company also sources from other models such as Neo X, T5, and Bloom. One of Jasper’s USP (unique selling points) is its brand voice functionality, which allows teams and organizations to create on-brand content.
Natural language processing is an important feature of a generative AI chatbot. NLP enables the AI chatbot to understand and interpret natural language input from users, allowing them to have more human-like conversations. With NLP capabilities, generative AI chatbots can recognize context, intent, and entities within the conversation.
Chatbot’s ability to comprehend and retain context during conversations enables a more seamless and human-like conversation flow. A quality artificial intelligence chatbot can maintain context and remember previous interactions, providing more personalized and relevant responses based on the conversation history. This enables chatbots to provide more coherent and relevant replies.
When shopping for a generative AI chatbot software, customization and personalization capabilities are important factors to consider, as it enables the tool to tailor responses based on user preferences and history. ChatGPT, for instance, allows businesses to train and fine-tune chatbots to align with their brand, industry-specific terminology, and user preferences.
AI chatbot’s ability to communicate in multiple languages makes it appealing to global audiences. This functionality also allows the chatbot to translate text from one language to another.
Also see: Best Artificial Intelligence Software 2023
The best generative AI chatbot for your company serves your business’s needs and balances quality service with moderately expensive – or affordable pricing – based on what  works with your budget, plus the necessary AI features you need for your operations.
Organizations in the Microsoft ecosystem may find Bing Chat Enterprise beneficial, as it works better on Edge browser. ChatGPT does not cite sources, but it is one of the most versatile and creative AI chatbots. Google Bard cites sources and provides up-to-date information, but its response time is sometimes slow. Bing Chat and Chatsonic can generate AI images as part of the answer to your query.
What seems like positives to you may be negatives to another user and vice versa. The best tool for your business is unique to you – conduct your own research, identify your goals, and shop for a tool that offers features and capabilities that meet your requirements.
We reviewed each AI chatbot pricing model and available plans, plus the availability of a free trial to test out the platform. Our research found that some platforms are completely free while some offer both free and paid plans – a tool like Google Bard gives you access to all its features for free, ChatGPT has a free plan with access to GPT 3.5 capabilities, while GPT 4 requires a monthly subscription. On the other hand, Jasper is a completely paid chatbot offering a seven-day free trial.
Features carry the most weight (30%) in our evaluation process. We evaluated various capabilities offered by each generative AI software, including multi-language support, the ability to accept spoken word input, the programmability of the solution, the kind of users it is built for and customization options.
We assessed each generative AI software’s user interface and overall user experience. This included evaluating the ease of installation, setup process, and navigation within the platform. A well-designed and intuitive interface with clear documentation, support materials and the AI chatbot response time contributed to a higher score in this category.
To determine the output quality generated by the AI chatbot software, we analyzed the accuracy of responses, coherence in conversation flow, and ability to understand and respond appropriately to user inputs. We selected our top solutions based on their ability to produce high-quality and contextually relevant responses consistently.
Our analysis also considered the level of support provided by the AI software provider. We assessed the availability and responsiveness of customer support, including customer service hours, email support, live chat support and knowledge base.
We answered the most commonly asked questions about AI chatbots below.
Key features to look for in AI chatbots include NLP capabilities, contextual understanding, multi-language support, pre-trained knowledge and conversation flow management. It is also important to look for a tool with a high accuracy rating, even if the questions asked are complex or open-ended.
AI chatbots are important to businesses because they enhance customer experience and provide various operational benefits such as improved customer experience, personalized experiences, cost reduction, and increased productivity.
AI chatbots can boost customer support by providing 24/7 support, answering common questions, and personalizing interaction based on customer preferences (for instance, multilingual AI chatbots can communicate in multiple languages, enabling businesses to assist customers from different regions.
Determining the “best” generative AI chatbot software of 2023 can be subjective, as it largely depends on the business’s specific needs and objectives. The landscape of AI chatbot software is continuously evolving, and new chatbot entrants may offer innovative features and improvements over existing solutions. Therefore, the best chatbot for your business will vary based on factors such as industry, use case, budget, and desired features – there is no “one size fits all” solution.
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