Airbnb's Naba Banerjee Reduced Partying By 55% In Two Years – Slashdot

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I have an Airbnb. Rather than saying “No parties”, I say “$1000 fee for parties” in the terms. I only had one party since I added the fee, and they agreed to pay $500 after I threatened to appeal it to Airbnb. They woulda lost, since I had plenty of photos for evidence, and the party fee was clearly stated in the terms they agreed to.

I have an Airbnb. Rather than saying “No parties”, I say “$1000 fee for parties” in the terms.

I have an Airbnb. Rather than saying “No parties”, I say “$1000 fee for parties” in the terms.
So basically you’re screwing your neighbours if the price is right? Lovely.
He said “Here’s $1000 reasons why no parties allowed”. By putting a price on it, the party costs $1000 instead of costing “lol oops, want to see if you can prove any damages in court?”.

I have an Airbnb. Rather than saying “No parties”, I say “$1000 fee for parties” in the terms. I only had one party since I added the fee, and they agreed to pay $500 after I threatened to appeal it to Airbnb. They woulda lost, since I had plenty of photos for evidence, and the party fee was clearly stated in the terms they agreed to.

I have an Airbnb. Rather than saying “No parties”, I say “$1000 fee for parties” in the terms. I only had one party since I added the fee, and they agreed to pay $500 after I threatened to appeal it to Airbnb. They woulda lost, since I had plenty of photos for evidence, and the party fee was clearly stated in the terms they agreed to.
The problem with that is:

1. In many countries it’s not enforceable or so difficult to enforce that it’s effectively not.
2. It will be abused, property owners will claim you had a party when you didn’t and the T&Cs will put the onus on you to prove it.

Also 3. You can easily do more than US$1000 to a property with a slightly rambunctious party, let alone an actual wild one. Just breaking one fire door can easily eat more than a thousand bucks.
Plenty of photos?! How?

It devours housing resources

It devours housing resources
Obvious solution: Construct more housing.

We have zoning regulations for a reason.

We have zoning regulations for a reason.
That reason is mostly to keep low-income people out of “nice” neighborhoods by separating jobs from housing. If you have to drive everywhere, then you can’t live there if you can’t afford a car.

It devours housing resources

Obvious solution: Construct more housing.

We have zoning regulations for a reason.

That reason is mostly to keep low-income people out of “nice” neighborhoods by separating jobs from housing. If you have to drive everywhere, then you can’t live there if you can’t afford a car.

It devours housing resources

It devours housing resources
Obvious solution: Construct more housing.

We have zoning regulations for a reason.

We have zoning regulations for a reason.
That reason is mostly to keep low-income people out of “nice” neighborhoods by separating jobs from housing. If you have to drive everywhere, then you can’t live there if you can’t afford a car.
Constructing more housing is -not- the solution. In the US, there are already more houses than homeless people.… [] Reading elsewhere, it seems that the issue is that the empty houses are not in the places people want/need to live… I know I don’t want to live in the outlying areas of east Austin, but that’s where the sweetish spot of affordability/distance to the factory I work at is. No telecommute for me! Not sure what the ultimate solution would be. A nationwide plan to
Preach! There isn’t even local flavor left these days. My early Airbnb experience was staying in someone’s apartment, overseas, while she was away. Her agent (I think boyfriend, lol) gave me a free 4G Hotspot (boy that saved me a ton on roaming fees) and a huge list of “off the beaten path” activities I’d never have found on Google. Great experience. Still chat with them on WhatsApp. Today, there’s none of that left, at least in the States. I’ve browsed listings where 80% of the available rentals in a city look exactly the same. They’re apartments purchased by out of town investors and converted en masse into something vaguely resembling a hotel room. It’s blatantly illegal in most US cities but they’re doing it anyway.
They’re priced identically to real hotel rooms too, except, hotels don’t give you a list of check-out chores. They have housekeeping for that. No hotel has ever demanded I strip beds and toss linens into the washing machine. I don’t object to the owner-occupied concept, where you’re renting out a room, or perhaps the mother-in-law unit out back. That’s the line my current city has drawn. No short term rentals unless the owner resides on the property. Of course, they don’t have the resources to enforce it, so all those faux-hotel rooms still dominate listings.
The only person I know that tried being a host got out of it, his winter home in a warmer locale, he was drawn to Airbnb because he could block off dates and still have the house for himself when he wanted. He gave up after six months because it was too much of a hassle. He found it easier to rent it out under a traditional lease arrangement. Since it’s furnished he can charge more and target short (six to nine month) leases for the traveling business crowd. He’s making MORE money doing that, despite a lower “day rate” than Airbnb, because he’s not paying the utility bills and having to get cleaners in the place after every booking.

They’re priced identically to real hotel rooms too, except, hotels don’t give you a list of check-out chores. They have housekeeping for that. No hotel has ever demanded I strip beds and toss linens into the washing machine.

They’re priced identically to real hotel rooms too, except, hotels don’t give you a list of check-out chores. They have housekeeping for that. No hotel has ever demanded I strip beds and toss linens into the washing machine.
I think you’re trivializing some of the benefits that come with an AirBnB. A hotel room will give you a room with one or two beds. If you’re two couples trying to get away and have a good time, a hotel room is an awful setting. A two bedroom AirBnB with a common area is the perfect place for a few people to mingle without having to spend an exorbitant amount of money in restaurants or bars (where they can’t even talk to each other) if they’re getting together for a mini vacation in another town. What you have to realize is that one size (hotels) don’t fit all.

A hotel room will give you a room with one or two beds.

A hotel room will give you a room with one or two beds.
You clearly don’t look around for hotels much. Major chains have a large variety of options including separate bedrooms, kitchens, furnished apartments, and they aren’t much more expensive than shitty AirBnBs after you take into account the endless list of fees that get lumped on top the the listing when you try and book.
And that’s before you even bother to look at condos or other non-AirBnB short term rental options which exist.
Condo/house style rooms from major hotel chains are rare as hen’s teeth, and if you find a two-bedroom suite with a kitchenette, it’s likely to be priced in the stratosphere if its even available.
Some resort areas have literal rental condos (like at a ski resort), but without using a third party service they’re tough to come by in non-resort areas.
Some of the extended stay type hotels come kind of close — I stayed at one recently, but its too open floor plan even if its just one couple staying there. The

I think you’re trivializing some of the benefits that come with an AirBnB.

I think you’re trivializing some of the benefits that come with an AirBnB.
I think you’re ignoring completely all the points I made about the societal disadvantages that come with AirBnB. You think it’s okay to remove hundreds of apartments from the market during a housing shortage?

A two bedroom AirBnB with a common area is the perfect place for a few people to mingle

A two bedroom AirBnB with a common area is the perfect place for a few people to mingle
There are traditional hotels that offer exactly this. We stayed at one [] when we hosted a friend and her young child this summer. Two bedrooms, kitchen, and living room, and they didn’t expect us to do housekeeping’s job for them.
In any case, I think I was clear, I’m no
Homie, that’s a nice free market argument I’d normally be sympathetic to, but it’s not reality. In reality, most of them look exactly the same. In reality, they’re bought by large out of town investment firms with no connection to the city they’re operating in. I have repeatedly said I have no issue with owner occupied properties. That’s how my city attempted to draw the line.
If my friend’s experience with his second home is any indication, you can’t make
The usage you desire is perfectly served by getting a suite, or by getting two adjacent hotel rooms and opening the door between them. I have attended so many room parties at furry conventions that were held in two adjacent rooms or in a suite.
You can also do things like go out to a park and chill together.
>> It’s blatantly illegal in most US cities
Land of the free.
What a myth.
YEAH! Our land of the free should have no rules whatsoever!
Great apartment; good price, good location (easy tram ride to city centre). Owners ran a greasy spoon cafe downstairs.
Airbnb is terrible for everyone except a handful of people getting rich off it.
Horsepucky, we have a cottage in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, and for the last four years we’ve been renting it out through Airbnb when we’re not using it. I have to admit that it’s nice to have other people paying most of the mortgage most months.
We’ve had a few issues with parties over the years, but whatever Ms. Banerjee is doing seems to be working. This is the first summer without even a bridal shower (what is i
Your cottage in the Cascades isn’t pricing residents out of their cities while destroying the hospitality industry that employs their friends and family. You have the use case people envision when they think of AirBnb. You aren’t an out of town investment company purchasing dozens of apartments and taking them off the market. Go to New Orleans, say the word “AirBnb”, and see how residents there feel about it. 🙁
As an aside, if you wanted, you could rent out your cottage without needing a pla
Just pointing out that your “everyone” is incorrect, for us and for tens of thousands of other non-corporation people.
And sure, we could do it in a manner that is less efficient, gets fewer customers, has no protections (for us or for guests), no filtering of clients, and then we could figure out the tax implications (or, more likely, pay the fines when we did it wrong) and all the banking. I’m not a webmaster or a marketer, and starting from scratch with no experience in the hospitality industry is pretty

We used to use webpages and telephone calls for such things.

We used to use webpages and telephone calls for such things.
You have clearly zero experience with short term rentals saying. No trust me you want a middle man. You don’t want to dealing bounced checks and the like. You don’t want phone calls asking when the last time you had the property swept for evil spirits was..
Before AirBnB you just paid some short term property management company that generally took a much larger cut.
Let’s be honest here too, if the hospitality industry can be “destroyed” by what are effectively ‘gig-workers’ like the taxi industry seems to
AirBnd and VRBO are shitty middlemen. They just connect people and offer some financial guarantees (which are necess

Airbnb is terrible for everyone except a handful of people getting rich off it.

Airbnb is terrible for everyone except a handful of people getting rich off it.
And the people doing the renting, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it. I go on getaways with my friends 2-3 times a year and we always get an AirBnB in hot spots outside Chicago in Michigan or Wisconsin. We rent a house, go out for the day and enjoy the town, go to a restaurant and eat, and come back to the place and drink into the wee hours of the morning, chatting and having a good time. It doesn’t hurt anybody, and we wouldn’t be able to spend a night or two together was it not for AirBnB. We’d have

Airbnb is terrible for everyone except a handful of people getting rich off it. It devours housing resources and converts them into short term rental hotels making Airbnb the largest hotelier in the country without ever actually owning any hotels. It contributes to housing shortages and drives up pricing while chasing out useful people from your community. And it leads to urban sprawl and worse traffic jams because instead of all your tourists being in a hotel district they’re now spread all over your city driving in rental cars to get wherever they were going.

What they’re doing is or at least used to be until they started lobbying very illegal. We have zoning regulations for a reason.

Airbnb is terrible for everyone except a handful of people getting rich off it. It devours housing resources and converts them into short term rental hotels making Airbnb the largest hotelier in the country without ever actually owning any hotels. It contributes to housing shortages and drives up pricing while chasing out useful people from your community. And it leads to urban sprawl and worse traffic jams because instead of all your tourists being in a hotel district they’re now spread all over your city driving in rental cars to get wherever they were going.

What they’re doing is or at least used to be until they started lobbying very illegal. We have zoning regulations for a reason.
TBF, AirBNB isn’t a hotelier, it’s a booking agent same as Expedia or Priceline. They don’t own any of the stock they sell either.

If people are buying up property exclusively for short term lets, AirBNB isn’t at fault here as they’ll just move onto the next platform (including Expedia/Priceline) if you punish AirBNB for it. You need to, erm… actually enforce those zoning laws you said are there for a reason. However in the US this means punishing rich white businessmen and that is, as far as I can tell
Airbnb…contributes to housing shortages and drives up pricing
Not really. An Airbnb collapse won’t fix America’s housing shortage. [] It’s just a convenient scapegoat because of the other problems it causes.

“To determine violations, the company considers whether the gathering is an open-invite one…”

“To determine violations, the company considers whether the gathering is an open-invite one…”
Can afford to come out of pocket thousands on credit to rent a home large enough to hold the balls it takes to host an open-invite party in a home you don’t even own…

“…more than 320,000 guests have been blocked or redirected from booking attempts on Airbnb..”

“…more than 320,000 guests have been blocked or redirected from booking attempts on Airbnb..”
Seems more and more are proving why being respectful or even slightly trusting by default, is a futile effort.
AirBnB… What are you doing?? It’s your house! []
> the company says party reports dropped 55% between August 2020 and August 2022
So we’re just going to completely ignore that fact that time period included a global pandemic with lockdowns and bans on gatherings? I mean did this bitch start Covid-19 herself just to improve her numbers?
This is the first summer in four years that we haven’t been stuck with an unexpected party, whatever Ms. Banerjee is doing seems to be working for us.
No, her AI did.

So we’re just going to completely ignore that fact that time period included a global pandemic with lockdowns and bans on gatherings?

So we’re just going to completely ignore that fact that time period included a global pandemic with lockdowns and bans on gatherings?
Why wouldn’t we? I mean most people did. Just because something was banned doesn’t mean it wasn’t done. In some cases it even resulted in the stepping down of the prime minister of a country with 67million population.
Time for another startup – Air Party Places or similar.
Partying away seems to be a real need, thus there must be money made by it.
That is what spring break hotels are for?
People rent out AirBnB for parties because it’s a cheap rate to pay for an event center where they can have a knock-down late night party. They can make money at the door ($20, $50, whatever per person), at their improvised bar (no liquor taxes or liquor licenses), and potentially as a cut of the illicit dealer’s take. It’s a lucrative hustle.
Try to find somewhere to do that without paying thousands up front, often with extensive cleaning and damage contract clauses. You won’t.
She reduced partying 55% in two years?
She’s off my party list.
to not party.
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