Best ChatGPT extensions you should try right now – Android Police

Just don’t ask it how to turn on Skynet
ChatGPT was officially unveiled to the world in November 2022, and it was immediately heralded as an inflection point in human history. Although web-based tools powered by artificial intelligence (such as Google's DeepMind and Stability AI's Stable Diffusion) were already circulating, OpenAI's ChatGPT caught the focus of the public like no other AI tool had before. With all the buzz ChatGPT has been generating, it was only a matter of time before developers started making browser extensions to expand its flexibility. But when it comes to ChatGPT-based browser extensions, there's a lot to choose from, and Android Police is on the beat to help you sift the wheat from the chaff, just like we do with our roundup of the best smartwatches.
Ever since ChatGPT launched, people have been using it to summarize or shorten other content on the web. The bottleneck in these endeavors has been the need to copy and paste the article into the ChatGPT website. These extensions automate that work for you and produce a tidy summary at the click of a few buttons.
The best feature of ChatGPT Summary is how easy it is to use. Pin the extension to your browser toolbar and give it a click to produce an article summary in a popup window. By default, the extension queries ChatGPT with the prompt "Summarize the main points of the article in a list format" followed by the web page text. You can customize the prompt text however you like to fine-tune your output.
What sets SciSpace Copilot apart from its peers is its ability to "read" PDFs and its prompt presets fine-tuned for summarizing scientific and academic papers. Clicking the extension loads a sidebar with a chat interface and several buttons that trigger prompts like "Conclusions from the paper" and "Explain the abstract in 2 lines." It's not as strong at summarizing standard web pages or YouTube videos, but its PDF functionality more than makes up for this.
YouTubeDigest is a bit different from the previous two extensions. It doesn't summarize websites or PDFs. It also doesn't require clicking the extension in your browser's toolbar. Instead, YouTubeDigest is embedded into the page for the video you're watching. To produce its summary, it parses the transcript for the video. You can change its output by adjusting its base prompt in the settings.
One limitation of ChatGPT is that it can't search the web. Its responses are based on information processed in the creation of its large language model, which doesn't have information past 2021. These extensions can mitigate that limitation by scraping the web for content to include in your prompts, bringing its responses up to date.
WebChatGPT integrates into your search results page and uses the content from the top results to provide an answer to your search query. As with vanilla ChatGPT, the responses are prone to errors, so take everything it tells you with a grain of salt. Outside of its search-engine integration, WebChatGPT also augments your base ChatGPT experience by giving it access to information beyond 2021 by letting it access web-based content.
ChatGPT for Google is similar to WebChatGPT with a few differences. For one, it works on every major search engine, from Bing to Yandex. It also uses a simpler prompt to generate responses (10 words vs. 300+ words), although both extensions allow you to customize them. Both services also let you switch between large language models, but ChatGPT for Google lets you compare their output side by side.
Sider integrates into your search engine and YouTube videos. It also manifests as an always-available collapsible sidebar. Highlighting text displays a Sider-generated context menu that summarizes the text, translates it, or opens a popup where you can enter a custom prompt for the text. Working with the sidebar gives you more options, the most interesting of which is an AI image-generation tool.
GPT Workspace feels more limited than the other items on this list, but it works within Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, where the other extensions struggle. Within Google Docs, you can generate responses based on highlighted text, generate new text, or summarize the document. The best part of the Google Sheets functions is the new GPT-powered formulas that let you generate content for a single cell, list, or table. If you need to make a presentation, GPT Workspace can help you generate the text and images you need for your slide deck and create the whole deck based on a prompt.
If you plan to use these tools, keep in mind that the "intelligence" behind ChatGPT is something of a misnomer. At its core, ChatGPT and similar services are large language models. They're specialized models that, given a bit of text, predict what the next word will be. The uncanny human authenticity and accuracy of ChatGPT's responses result from the amount of data used to create its model. These services aren't programmed to find a correct answer to a query. They're designed to tell you what it thinks you want to hear. And if you think AI wrote this article, check out our article on how to detect AI writing.
Daniel writes guides, explainers, and technology news. He especially likes deep diving into niche topics that require more than scratching the surface. He’s been writing in newspapers, magazines, and blogs for over 20 years writing hard news, entertainment, and science stories. When not writing he enjoys reading science fiction, playing music, and raising a rambunctious toddler. The devices you’ll find him using every day are his Pixel 4a, Acer 311 Chromebook, and Amazon Fire HD 10. As soon as he saves up some money he’s getting a 3D printer.

