Call of Duty Will Use AI To Moderate Voice Chats – Slashdot

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What a colossal waste of computing resources… and good luck appealing it when you get banned for no reason.

What a colossal waste of computing resources… and good luck appealing it when you get banned for no reason.

What a colossal waste of computing resources… and good luck appealing it when you get banned for no reason.
Even when there is a reason (and a human in the loop), if it’s one they don’t want to admit to, then they’ll be happy to let the AI “black box” take the heat for it.
Like edgy race baiting, for example?
Good. Ban it.
Sir, your father was a ruffian and your mother a charwoman!
What’s wrong with the observation that their logic is niggardly?
… it’s a video game.
You do realize they will use this as training data for voice surveillance, right?

You do realize they will use this as training data for voice surveillance, right?

You do realize they will use this as training data for voice surveillance, right?
Who is “they”? Microsoft? For what? Plus they already have sources in products like Skype and Teams. The NSA? Hate to break it to you but the government doesn’t need this data set, they have way bigger, way better data sets to train an AI on.
You _really_ have no clue how any of this works, do you?
Your question indicates you do not even understand the basics. There is no point in answering it. Seriously. Stupid and trolling and clueless is a really bad combination.
Live in Fear….
I expect it will quickly be discovered that it can’t cope with certain accents, or gets confused when someone switches from English to something else.
“I expect it will quickly be discovered that it can’t cope with certain accents, or gets confused when someone switches from English to something else.”
Luxembourgish Slang is not easily understood.
Hehehe, some insults do not need to be translated to be clear.

Hehehe, some insults do not need to be translated to be clear.

Hehehe, some insults do not need to be translated to be clear.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

I wonder what the AI will make of that.
Well, that’s pretty much the end of COD then.
Great post until it got into the conspiracy theory part.
They are in this to make money. They know that being called the n word or a homosexual (in the pejorative sense) is not a good experience for players, especially younger ones. They want people to use voice chat because it hooks them in, builds up friendships and communities, and keeps them coming back.
It’s a running joke that voice chat on COD is often just a 12 year old screaming obscenities at you. They calculated that having an LLM babysit them is more profitable, that’s all.

They are in this to make money. They know that being called the n word or a homosexual (in the pejorative sense) is not a good experience for players, especially younger ones. They want people to use voice chat because it hooks them in, builds up friendships and communities, and keeps them coming back.

It’s a running joke that voice chat on COD is often just a 12 year old screaming obscenities at you. They calculated that having an LLM babysit them is more profitable, that’s all.

They are in this to make money. They know that being called the n word or a homosexual (in the pejorative sense) is not a good experience for players, especially younger ones. They want people to use voice chat because it hooks them in, builds up friendships and communities, and keeps them coming back.
It’s a running joke that voice chat on COD is often just a 12 year old screaming obscenities at you. They calculated that having an LLM babysit them is more profitable, that’s all.
A lot of players enjoy the shit talk. Taking it away is likely to negatively affect continued interest in the game / platform.

They are in this to make money.

They are in this to make money.
No, they are not. LLMs require data-center money to operate and maintain. Activision isn’t charging for this service, nor do they charge for COD multiplayer, which makes it a cost-center. They have to take the money to pay for the LLM from their own profits. To say nothing about the initial creation costs. Which again, using a generic LLM made for real world interactions isn’t going to work well in the realm of policing chat in a game where the whole point is to kill others and celebrate doing so. They’d n
“How about constantly targeting the weakest player on the opposing team?)”
I guess in other games, ‘kill the healer first’ will be banned as hate-speech too.

Since the days of IRC in the mid 90’s, it’s been clear to me that some people are completely unable to use features that block unwanted comments in a group setting.

Since the days of IRC in the mid 90’s, it’s been clear to me that some people are completely unable to use features that block unwanted comments in a group setting.
Speaking as someone who moderated a couple of very high profile channels on efnet for years, people like you were banned from channels from people like me because of the effect you had on other users. We already know you sincerely believe you’re not the problem. The same people who spammed irc channels back then are shitposting to Slashdot as ACs now.

people like you were banned from channels

people like you were banned from channels
You’re drawing a false assumption. That’s not to say I’ve never been banned (temporarily by ops with authority issues or as a joke), you’ve probably had been so yourself if you spent a lot of time on IRC.
I was someone who would tell people how to use /ignore and still they wouldn’t. I would tell people that if a person was bothering them, they should ignore them. This sort of thing happened fairly frequently in channels that didn’t have ops always moderating.
Am I saying that no one should be banned? Pro
My karma modifier is +1, son. Slashdot NEEDS posters like me to counter trolls like you. That’s why I’m still here. If you were half the person you think you are, you wouldn’t be posting as a coward.
Slashdot apparently needs my insight most, judging by my moderation.
Since you brought up score modifications, you might be interested in knowing that I removed the score modifiers for the troll mod since people abuse it so frequently. I filter out trolls the old fashioned way, by skimming.
Call of Duty multiplayer is a *team* game. You kinda need to be able to communicate with your teammates to play it.
Blizzard already announced their Defense Matrix system that was intended to record and police voice chat in Overwatch 2. It doesn’t work.
Blizzard is part of Activision.
Well, except for very specialized areas, “AI” does not work. So no surprise there.
Someone somewhere might be able to create an AI that can record millions of sketchy voice chat lines, process them, and filter for banwords. Blizzard/Activision has yet to demonstrate that capability.
You have a new thing to play with, they are the worst people to playtest a voicechat system, they will subvert it but not tell you
Just use something external, such as Discord. Using in-game voice only leads to drama.
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