Chandigarh Admin Pegs BOT Model for Installation of Free of Cost … – Saurenergy
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In a recent development for rooftop solar plants across the city of Chandigarh, the city administration has given its nod to the CREST (Chandigarh Renewable Energy Science and Technology Promotion Society) to peg the build, operate and transfer (BOT) model for twenty two and a half years in the city.
The idea for the installation of rooftop solar plants could not see the light of the day since CREST was unable to fix the BOT timeline with the firm shortlisted in June even after a period of eight months. CREST and the firm could not decide the BOT period, due to which, the project was delayed and could not move forward. While the selected firm wanted the BOT period to be set at 23 years, CREST was adamant on 20 years. The Chandigarh administration stepped in and stipulated the BOT period to 22 years and six months for free installation of rooftop solar power plants. It has advised CREST to kickstart work at the earliest.
So far, CREST has been flooded with applications from 1,200 residents vying for free-of-cost installation of rooftop solar plants. Thought the original ambition is to generate 20 MW, CREST has set sights on the generation of 8.5 MW of solar power.
The CEO of Chandigarh Renewable Energy, Science & Technology Promotion Society (CREST) Debendra Dalai had invited applications invited for free rooftop solar power unit with the last date at March 31. Rooftop solar power units that are free of cost will be provided on a first come, first served basis. Chandigarh has been constantly ramping up efforts to encourage the adoption of solar energy. Various initiatives and projects are being announced in the city.
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