CIA Builds Its Own AI Chatbot in Rivalry With China – Slashdot

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the c i a naming its a i something like.
chat mata hari
LLM “chatbots” are not search tools. Generative models like GPT are not search tools. They might have success using embedding models like text-embedding-ada-002, or all-mpnet-base-v2, or even plain old BERT.
LLM “chatbots” are not search tools. Generative models like GPT are not search tools.
I know, right? It’s almost as if the CIA are up to no good. Like, they’re automating propaganda…
Well at least you’ve found the shit in the CIAs bullshit excuse.
Both are pretty good at it. But a full dictator doesn’t have to worry about hiding their plan from fellow citizens.
ChatGPT lies like a rug right? Or since it doesn’t have any motives, it renders behavior which is otherwise only seen by humans attempting to deceive or bullshitting.
“I’m worried about this fire over here, we should pour gasoline on it to put it out.”
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