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This is because the fed still hasn’t restricted monetary conditions. People think that the 5% increase in rates is a big deal, but it’s not if inflation is running at >5% (and core inflation still is). In real terms, which is what ultimately affects your day to day experience, interest rates are still zero and in some cases still negative. All the fed has done is avoid the absurd situation where you could get a loan for 1% that would basically pay itself off due to inflation. If they had allowed that we would probably be in hyper inflation territory by now.
Now that the world has rediscovered that fiscal stimulus is a crazy powerful antidote to deflation, they just need to get on with destroying the huge bubble economy that they created due to 20 years of deregulation driven asset bubbles. This will cause a huge crash, but we know how to get through this now, and then we can start rebuilding an economy where you get ahead by doing something that actually generates a profit – i.e. produces more value than the resources it takes to make.

Now that the world has rediscovered that fiscal stimulus is a crazy powerful antidote to deflation, they just need to get on with destroying the huge bubble economy that they created due to 20 years of deregulation driven asset bubbles.

Now that the world has rediscovered that fiscal stimulus is a crazy powerful antidote to deflation, they just need to get on with destroying the huge bubble economy that they created due to 20 years of deregulation driven asset bubbles.
If everyone is sure they won’t lose money then they start front running the stimulus and the bubble gets bigger. A crash has to be scary, so either go to be so big that the Fed is helpless or there has to be an event like a war with China that makes everyone rethink priorities
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