Germany Plans To Double AI Funding In Race With China, US – Slashdot

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.

All they know is throwing money at a problem when what is really needed is a lighter control on access to data.

All they know is throwing money at a problem when what is really needed is a lighter control on access to data.
Complete nonsense. There’s tons of AI applications that don’t require personal data.

the EU which treats privacy as an absolute goal,

the EU which treats privacy as an absolute goal,
That’s just false to facts. The GDPR (EU’s data privacy law) has explicit exemptions and a huge backdoor named “consent”.

AI researchers are fleeing for more lightly regulated countries like the US

AI researchers are fleeing for more lightly regulated countries like the US
That has nothing to do with regulations. The US has the tech industry giants, who pay salaries far beyond what european companies pay, and it has private universities who pay salaries far beyond what european universities pay.
As long as you are young, healthy, covered by a corporate health package and earn

As long as you are young, healthy, covered by a corporate health package and earning well, the US is a great place to be. Plenty of my IT friends have considered moving to the US. As soon as they have kids and think more long-term, that thought has disappeared in each and every one of them. Europe still has the higher standard of living for families.

As long as you are young, healthy, covered by a corporate health package and earning well, the US is a great place to be. Plenty of my IT friends have considered moving to the US. As soon as they have kids and think more long-term, that thought has disappeared in each and every one of them. Europe still has the higher standard of living for families.
Europe is subsidizing families and many other things, at the cost of market freedom. EU doesn’t have free market. That is why that “higher standard of living for families” comes at the cost of the economic development. For the record, I am a European living in the US for the last 26 years. I am at the end of my career and plan to retire in 2028, at which point I will return to Croatia, because it’s significantly cheaper than the US. Once I am no longer able to work and make money, I will gladly take advanta

Europe is subsidizing families and many other things, at the cost of market freedom. EU doesn’t have free market.

Europe is subsidizing families and many other things, at the cost of market freedom. EU doesn’t have free market.
Ah yes, the usual drivel. We’re also all communists over here, an atheistic satanists.

The problem with socialism

The problem with socialism
Yepp, called it.

it doesn’t work. Never has, never will.

it doesn’t work. Never has, never will.
I’m from Germany. Don’t live there anymore, but spent most of my life there. Germany had “soziale Marktwirtschaft”, this blend of functioning social systems with market economy. And the best time of that was also the time of fastest growth and strongest economy. Weird. Once they started cutting into the social systems, the economy went downhill.
Turns out, people who don’t live paycheck to paycheck and can a
Germany is the greatest country in the world, ever. Just ask any German.
That is the answer you’ve got?
Man, I left that place for a ton of reasons. I’m happy I grew up there, wouldn’t want to grow up there today.
And if someone from the US, which celebrates itself constantly as the greatest place on Earth, tries to paint that hyper-patriotism on any other nation, that’s just ridiculous.

However, my US citizenship will still provide significant advantages, like the ability to maintain an American bank account.

However, my US citizenship will still provide significant advantages, like the ability to maintain an American bank account.
Care to explain American bank account Is better? especially considering that you gotta pay taxes as a citizen regardless of where you live.
Also, what are the other benefits?
Gladly. Croatia has a public health system which, left to its own, is not very good. However, when supplemented by the private clinics, the outcomes are pretty decent. Also, consumer goods are heavily subsidized, to avoid riots. You see, Croatia is “transition” economy and they are usually rather poor. As for taxes, since Croatia is, on average, cheaper than the US, my social security for more than 30 years of 6-figures salary will go a long way. I don’t need to pay taxes or even to file them, if my only in

All they know is throwing money at a problem when what is really needed is a lighter control on access to data.

Complete nonsense. There’s tons of AI applications that don’t require personal data.

All they know is throwing money at a problem when what is really needed is a lighter control on access to data.

All they know is throwing money at a problem when what is really needed is a lighter control on access to data.
Complete nonsense. There’s tons of AI applications that don’t require personal data.
You clearly are not working on relevant AI topics and have no idea what is really going on. When even an IP address (which is not sufficient to trace a copyright violator) makes a data point personal data, very little is left that is not covered by data privacy regulations. What counts is the interpretation of the law by judges, and the valid jurisprudence does indeed make such nonsense binding.

the EU which treats privacy as an absolute goal,

That’s just false to facts. The GDPR (EU’s data privacy law) has explicit exemptions and a huge backdoor named “consent”.

the EU which treats privacy as an absolute goal,

the EU which treats privacy as an absolute goal,
That’s just false to facts. The GDPR (EU’s data privacy law) has explicit exemptions and a huge backdoor named “consent”.
Again, you are talking about things you do not understand. Did you ever try to sit down with a data protection off
That’s what corporations always tell you. Any regulation, any taxation, it will destroy your economy and make you poor. They HAVE to be allowed to steal all your data, pollute your home, and contribute nothing in return, or bad things will happen to you!
Why not spend tenfold? After all 10 * 0 = 0, just as 2 * 0 = 0

Germany plans to almost double its public funding for artificial intelligence research to nearly a billion euros over the next two years

Germany plans to almost double its public funding for artificial intelligence research to nearly a billion euros over the next two years
In other news, “Germany Set To Miss Net Zero By 2045 Target” [].
When things get tough, Germany postpone their targets. Empty plans are just that, empty.
In this case, empty “plans” are good to miss. Make empty plans to assuage the lunatics from burning the place down, then just ignore the plans.
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