Google could kill Gmail spam with an upcoming major update – Digital Trends

Google Workspace has plans to beef up the security within Gmail in the coming year, with a focus on making bulk emails less easy to flood users with.  
While the brand has begun sharing details of its plans for Gmail, it won’t begin rolling out updates to the email service until February 1, 2024. The advance notice is to prepare users, especially those who navigate the Gmail platform in bulk, meaning over 5,000 messages at once, of the upcoming changes.
The new requirements are intended to make Gmail more secure and user-friendly, and to decrease spam for high-volume users, who might be especially susceptible to phishing and malware attacks, due to not being aware of security holes bad actors can take advantage of.
Last month, for example, a team of hackers was able to infiltrate Microsoft Teams to execute a phishing scam called “DarkGate Loader.” The scheme centers on a bogus Teams message about “changes to the vacation schedule,” but contains an intricate hidden malware when downloaded. Cybersecurity researchers uncovered that hackers were able to access Teams through compromised Office 365 accounts and even found the unsecured email addresses they were able to take over.
Such an incident is exactly why Google Workspace is pushing forward with its new requirements, which include email authentication, the ability to easily unsubscribe, and email assurance. Yahoo is partnering with Google to take on these requirements within its email provider as well, with an aim of making it an industry standard.
Email authentication will require bulk senders to confirm themselves as the owner of the account before continuing to send an email, “following well-established best practices.” This requirement will be set in place as a security measure to find the exploits before hackers can.
Culk users will be able to unsubscribe with one click from commercial emails, with two-day processing.
Email assurance for bulk users will require the rate of spam in an inbox to be capped, resulting in less spam visible within your inbox. Google says this implementation is an industry first.
Google noted while these requirements are already common practices for many Gmail users, their strict implementation will assist in improving the health of the platform from February 2024, moving forward.
The guidance is intended for bulk users with a personal account that ends in or, or a work or school account from Google Workspace. The latter accounts don’t end in, but are rather associated with an organization, such as .edu.
Google announced during its I/O developers conference on Wednesday its plans to launch a tool that will distinguish whether images that show up in its search results are AI-generated images.
With the increasing popularity of AI-generated content, there is a need to confirm whether the content is authentic — as in created by humans — or if it has been developed by AI.
Hackers are constantly trying to break into large websites to steal user databases, and it’s not entirely unlikely that your own login details have been leaked at some point in the past. In cases like that, upgrading your password is vital, but how can you do that if you don’t even know your data has been hacked?
Well, Google thinks it has the answer because it has just announced that it will roll out dark web monitoring reports to every Gmail user in the U.S. This handy feature was previously limited to paid Google One subscribers, but the company revealed at its Google I/O event that it will now be available to everyone, free of charge.
The Google Bard AI chatbot can now complete various programming and software development tasks such as code generation, code debugging, and explanation of code.
This was an important missing feature in Bard’s ability to compete with ChatGPT, the most popular AI chatbot right now.
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