How to Add and Use ChatGPT with WhatsApp – Online Tech Tips

If you’ve ever wondered how to bring the power of AI to your WhatsApp conversations, look no further.
In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT with WhatsApp using different methods like chatbots and AI keyboard. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or a beginner, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started.
ChatGPT has now made its way into nearly every imaginable device. You can now find it on Siri, and on your Apple Watch. The widespread presence of this AI chatbot is undeniable. With the introduction of OpenAI’s new GPT-4 language model, the interest around ChatGPT only keeps growing, and messaging apps like WhatsApp are no exception.
Using ChatGPT with WhatsApp can improve your chat experience by providing faster and more personalized responses, as well as automate many repetitive tasks, so it’s no surprise that more users want to connect to ChatGPT WhatsApp bots to integrate ChatGPT with WhatsAPP. The artificial intelligence system understands natural language and can remember past conversations, and give you more relevant answers. ChatGPT also supports multiple languages, making it accessible to users worldwide.
Still not sure if you want to try using ChatGPT with WhatsApp? Here’s a summarized list of pros and cons, as well as potential risks to consider before you dive in.
Cons & Potential Risks:
Overall, integrating ChatGPT with WhatsApp offers numerous benefits, but it is essential to be cautious of the potential risks and ensure responsible usage. To use ChatGPT wisely, double-check its answers when necessary, so you can enjoy its benefits while staying safe.
Before you can start using ChatGPT with WhatsApp, here are a few key requirements that you need to follow:
By fulfilling these requirements, you can successfully integrate ChatGPT into your WhatsApp chats and experience all the extra features.
There are two main methods you can use to add ChatGPT to your WhatsApp. One option is through online bots, and there are several of them available. Another way is to use a keyboard app that has its own conversational AI tool. No matter which method you choose, here’s how you can add ChatGPT to WhatsApp.
If you’re eager to bring ChatGPT’s powers to your WhatsApp chat, you can easily do it through chatbots. These handy AI tools offer an easy and interactive way to access ChatGPT’s capabilities within WhatsApp.
There are several chatbot options you can choose from, including WizAI, Buddy GPT, Jinni AI, Roger Da Vinci, Shmooz AI, Mobile GPT, and WhatGPT. Some of these chatbots are powered by GPT-3.5 and CPT-4 engines, and each of them brings ChatGPT’s language expertise to WhatsApp users, ready to provide valuable insights and other AI features.
Adding ChatGPT to WhatsApp is easy. Just visit the bot, tap the start button that calls to WhatsApp API, and it’ll connect to WhatsApp. Here’s how to do this step-by-step:
Aside from textual responses, these WhatsApp chatbots can perform more exciting tasks. For instance, you can use them to generate images. Just add the word image before your text prompt, and you’ll receive stunning pictures with a resolution of 1024 x 1024.
However, it’s important to be aware of certain considerations when using these ChatGPT bots for WhatsApp. As valuable as they are, they come with a limited number of free prompts. The underlying APIs provided by OpenAI for ChatGPT are not offered for free. After a few queries, you’ll need to opt for a premium version. These typically cost around $10 per month, depending on the specific chatbot you choose.
Despite this limitation, integrating ChatGPT with WhatsApp through chatbots remains an excellent way to enhance your conversations, seek instant information, and experience the prowess of AI-powered language understanding firsthand.
The ChatGPT AI bots mentioned earlier are fantastic for chatting with ChatGPT. However, they have message limits. If you want to use ChatGPT on WhatsApp without dealing with those limits, we have a solution for you. ChatGPT keyboards have AI integration and can respond like the bots.
A keyboard app, like Paragraph AI or Microsoft Swiftkey, brings the power of GPT-3 to your fingertips, even though ChatGPT is now powered by the advanced GPT-4 language model.
Integrating an AI keyboard with WhatsApp is a breeze. To do that, follow the steps below.
Unlike chatbots, AI-integrated keyboards offer additional advantages and expand beyond WhatsApp:
Aside from Paragraph AI, Microsoft’s SwiftKey keyboard with Bing Chat integration is another good option. It’s free and already upgraded to the latest GPT-4 language model, offered by OpenAI.
By integrating ChatGPT with an AI keyboard, you unlock the power of conversational AI across various apps, making interactions more efficient, informative, and enjoyable. You can also use the keyboard to easily write all types of content, like emails, essays, and other formats.
If you’re looking for an alternative (and open source, i.e. free) method to connect ChatGPT with WhatsApp without relying on chatbots or AI keyboards, using a Python Script is another great option. Developed by Daniel (the creator of Python Script), this technique allows you to combine both apps, even if you’re not a programmer.
However, setting your WhatsApp number using a Python script and launching ChatGPT simultaneously will require some tech skill, that’s why we marked it as a pro option and not a beginner-friendly method.
To integrate ChatGPT with WhatsApp using a Python Script, go to the WhatsApp-GPT Github page, download the code and follow the instructions on the screen to run ChatGPT in your WhatsApp account.
You can then try asking it questions and enjoy the benefits of AI-powered conversations right within WhatsApp.
Adding ChatGPT to WhatsApp brings exciting AI-powered conversations and interactions with friends. You can choose chatbots, AI keyboards, or the Python Script method to do it.
As long as you use ChatGPT responsibly, you can enjoy instant answers, image generation, and meaningful discussions.
Anya is a freelance technology writer. Originally from Russia, she is currently a full-time Remote Worker and Digital Nomad. With a background in Journalism, Language Studies, and Technical Translation, Anya couldn’t imagine her life and work without using modern technology on a daily basis. Always looking out for new ways to make her life and location-independent lifestyle easier, she hopes to share her experiences as a tech- and internet-addict through her writing. Read Anya’s Full Bio
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