Li shares thoughts on former Singapore leader, ChatGPT – Hong Kong Standard

Hong Kong and Singapore are "a hybrid of competition and cooperation," tycoon Li Ka-shing says, quoting a reply from ChatGPT, as he praises Singapore's late founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew as "a great leader" in an interview with media from the Lion City.
In the prerecorded interview played at the Asia Future Summit in Singapore, the 95-year-old tycoon recalled his friendship with Lee, who passed away in 2015 at the age of 91. The summit was organized by three newspapers – Lianhe Zaobao, The Straits Times and The Business Times.
Li said he first met Lee in Hong Kong in the late 1960s and was impressed by his dedication and commitment to Singapore and its people.
"If one understands the societal complexities and economic hardships in Asia at that time, then you will realize the challenges that he had to confront," he said.
"Creating infinite possibilities for the future in a situation where there are no choices may sound easy, but it is far from simple in practice."
The tycoon said he and Lee had discussed various topics and found Lee's thinking "spanned multi-layers."
They also shared similar views on many topics.
"His determination to go against all odds and fulfill his commitments are certainly worth a lifetime of learning from us," Li said.
Li said he had asked ChatGPT whether Hong Kong and Singapore are competitors.
"The AI's reply was that Singapore and Hong Kong are a hybrid of competition and cooperation. This answer is quite interesting," the tycoon said.
The two places have a lot in common and a lot to learn from each other, Li said.
"From a port city in Nanyang [Southeast Asia], Singapore has transformed to become an international metropolis," he said.
"Similarly, Hong Kong has developed from a fishing port to a financial center. Both are legendary tales, and have reached a new phase of development."
The tycoon said he admired Lee's determination in improving people's livelihood.
"From 'nothing' to today's 'infinite possibilities' the people of Singapore should truly feel a sense of pride and this is the best manifestation of a great leader," Li said.
He recalled a dinner gathering where Lee talked about the economy.
"I encouraged him: 'Maybe you should go into business,' and he responded, 'Maybe you should go into politics.' We both found that very funny and roared in laughter," Li said.
"I have fond memories. He will never be forgotten and will be forever missed."
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