Santa's Naughty and Nice Checklist for Chatbot Elves – Total Retail

Generative artificial intelligence is making waves across the retail industry, from consumers using the technology to inspire purchasing decisions to retail brands employing chatbots to improve customer service and experience.
While chatbots have been around for quite some time, with the advent of generative AI, there’s been a huge revolution over the last 18 months to 24 months, particularly with the launch of ChatGPT.
Why? The outcome from generative AI chatbots can be even more impactful than those composed from classic AI. So how can retailers integrate generative AI to positively affect their business this holiday season and beyond?
To understand how to safely and effectively employ generative AI chatbot elves, Santa created a chatbot checklist for retailers to land a spot on his nice list for the coming holidays:
And what not to do, unless you want to be on the naughty list:
To make the most of your own chatbot elves this holiday season, take your customers’ best interests into consideration and aim to provide a safe and secure experience. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, after all.
Kerry Robinson is vice president, conversational AI at Waterfield Tech, a contact center solutions provider offering a full suite of services and platforms.
Related story: How Retailers Can Use Conversational AI to Drive Positive CX This Holiday Season and Beyond
An Oxford physicist with a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence, Kerry is a technologist, scientist, and lover of data with over 20 years of experience in conversational AI. He combines business, customer experience, and technical expertise to deliver IVR, voice, and chatbot strategy, and keep Waterfield Technologies buzzing.
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