Worldwide Mulling Bans On ChatGPT And Generative AI Apps In … – Jumpstart Media

AI cybersecurity innovator, BlackBerry, advocates for prudence when considering the integration of consumer-grade generative AI tools in a workplace setting.
New research from BlackBerry Limited has disclosed that 75% of global enterprises are in the process of enforcing or contemplating restrictions on the use of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT, within their operations. The primary reasons cited for these potential bans are concerns related to data security, privacy and the potential harm to corporate reputation. 83% of the respondents also believe that unsecured applications could compromise their corporate IT infrastructure.
While many are leaning towards complete prohibitions, a majority of the respondents also acknowledged the potential benefits of generative AI applications. They believe these tools can enhance efficiency (55%), foster innovation (52%) and boost creativity (51%) in the workplace. Moreover, 81% of those surveyed support the use of generative AI tools for cybersecurity defense, indicating a proactive approach to not let cyber adversaries gain an advantage.
BlackBerry’s Chief Technology Officer for Cybersecurity, Shishir Singh, emphasized the need for a balanced approach. He believes that while outright bans on generative AI applications might stifle potential business advantages, it’s crucial to prioritize security. Singh suggests that as these platforms evolve and as regulatory frameworks are established, organizations might be able to introduce more flexibility in their policies. The challenge lies in ensuring that the right tools are available for monitoring and managing the applications used in professional settings.
The research also touched upon the rights of organizations to control the applications used by their employees. While 80% of IT decision-makers believe that organizations have the authority to regulate the applications used for business tasks, 74% feel that such restrictions might indicate an overreach in control, especially concerning personal and BYO devices.
For top IT executives, unified endpoint management (UEM) offers a solution, allowing control over which applications can access the corporate network. This ensures both enterprise security and user privacy. 
Research background: The study was carried out in June and July 2023 by OnePoll on BlackBerry’s behalf. It involved 2,000 IT Decision Makers from regions including North America, Europe, Japan and Australia.
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