Character.AI 'send images in chat' option removed (workaround) – PiunikaWeb
People were having good time using Character.AI until they noticed that the option to send images in chat has been removed.
Character.AI users were met with disappointment as a beloved feature — the ability to send images in chat — vanished from the interface.
It seems that the developers have mysteriously removed the plus icon that once served as a gateway for users to share images with AI bots. Here are some reports for reference:
I have recently found myself unable to send the AI images. ctrl + v does not work, and no icons indicating I can attach images are to be found. Am I losing my head? (Source)
Was there an update? Because when i talk to an ai, the plus is gone. And i always use them to rp like show pictures of the caracters so the ai doesn’t get confused (Source)
Seemingly, the removal of the send images in chat option coincided with a recent fix for a network error bug implemented by the developers.
Although the bug fix was aimed to improve user experience, it led to the removal of an essential feature. Using this feature, users were able to communicate with the chat bots in a more comprehensive manner.

Moreover, disappointed users now want the option back. And while there isn’t any official word on this, there are some workarounds that can help you get back the plus button.
Workaround 1:
One of the workarounds that helped users get back the option involves loading saved chats for previous character.
Workaround 2:
Another workaround to gain the plus option back is where you need to remove ‘2’ from the URL. If you see a URL labeled ‘chat2’, then you just simply have to remove ‘2’ from it and press enter.
There’s a part of the URL labeled chat2?, you’re gonna want to remove the 2 from the URL and it should let you send them again. (Source)
Workaround 3:
If any of the above-mentioned workarounds didn’t work, then you can simply download ‘Character AI legacy chats’ extension on Google Chrome.
That said, we will make sure to update this article accordingly.
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